It's well known that exercise is great for your body. But, did you know how powerful physical movement is-- for your mind?

When challenged with a complicated problem, research proves that folks that regularly exercise are able to think more clearly and solve problems quicker.
In a recent post by Harvard Medical School, it's been reported that regular exercise actually changes the brain, which improves memory and thinking skills.
You can read more about it here:
When encouraged in our work together, many of my clients now move when "stuck" on an issue, and find themselves more capable of dealing with perplexing issues.
It appears that cardiovascular exercise, not stretching or lifting weights, is the key to this problem solving boost. It's noted by Harvard that Indirectly, exercise improves mood and sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety. Problems in these areas frequently cause or contribute to cognitive impairment.
Ready to try it out?
Begin today to set aside time to walk, whether it's outside or in your home (use your favorite dance playlist to inspire you). Your goal is a minimum of 150 minutes a week (that's only about two and a half hours for an entire week).
This way, you'll be ready to lace up your sneakers the next time you are stuck in a problem that appears to have no solution.
Walk it out and you'll be amazed how creative you can be! Need help creating a walking program that fits into your life or your companies work week? Happy to help!